Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Exhibition launches recent work by Sprawl Artists

Chablis launches the campaign election posters with Desmond Shortt

'we've got summit on'

Sprawl Studios open weekend and exhibition (May 12th&13th) was advertised using 'campaign election posters' featuring the house mascot Chablis, the terrior. Sprawl is a temporary artist space providing residence and studios on the hill of Howth. The exhibition showed work from Aida Bangoura, contemporary printer, Martina Coyle, multidisciplinary artist, Mary Theresa Keown, painter, Sarah Morshead, painter, Kelly O' Connor, video and photography based artist, and Desmond Shortt, portrait painter.

The show, curated by Kelly O' Connor, separated each artists work into individual rooms, where each set of concerns and concepts were contained within their own space. Bangoura's space presented a series of prints and paintings onto aluminium. Shortt presented his latest series of portraits of friends and animals. Morshead presented small and large scale abstract pantings. Coyle presented a documentary video of her latest piece, The Silver, and a 3D drawing installation using light and elastic. Keown, whose current work is on Tokyo at her latest solo show, presented a slide show of her collage paintings. And O' Connor presented a showreel of recent video work and a collection of photographs. Sprawl Studios will be holding more events in the coming months.

Installation shots of Aida Bangoura's Studio

Two of Mary T Keown's paintings from her showreel

Installation shots from Desmond Shortt's Room

Installation shots of Martina Coyle's work

Installation shots of Sarah Morshead's Studio

Installation shots of kelly O'Connor's work

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